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Repair Café Kenilworth

Repair Café Kenilworth (ReCK) is a free meeting space that's all about repairing things together, be that clothes, toys, furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles .

For further details and dates please check via the following :


Every 3rd Sat

Some things have to be thrown away ... the old toothbrush with curly bristles, that blown light bulb that's been sitting inside the cupboard since 1983, the fish 'n' chip wrappers from last nights tea ... but what about that broken bedside lamp, or the rickety wooden stool that belonged to your grandparents?

​The Repair Café movement has one simple question, and an even simpler answer; Bin it? No Way!

Along with actually repairing your broken items, we'll help you to develop the skills to start repairing them yourself, to promote the culture of repair over replace, and to give you the satisfaction of bringing your treasured memories back to life.

Find us: Abbey Hill URC Church
Time: 2-5pm
When: Every 3rd Saturday of the month

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