Our programs are funded by grants, donations and sponsorships.
We source grant funding to pay for a part time Project Manager who coordinates Compassionate Kenilworth projects and programs.
As a volunteer led organisation, we work with multiple volunteers who all contribute to the delivery of our work and without whom we would not be able to achieve so much.
We are grateful for the financial support from:
United Kenilworth Charities, Lions Kenilworth, Warwickshire County Council Loneliness & Isolation Fund, Warwick District Councillor’s Grants & The Ladies Circle.
We thank those who have held fundraising activities and events in aid of Compassionate Kenilworth, thanks to The Methodist Church, Warwickshire Singers, residents in Lillington, The Almanack and Abbey Medical Centre to name a few.
Thanks to Kenilworth Mayors, past and present - Peter Jones & Sam Louden-Cooke for choosing Compassionate Kenilworth as one of their Charities to donate to during 2021 & 2022.
A big thanks to all who have donated to Covid19 Support Kenilworth Group and Compassionate Kenilworth in the past.
You can help raise money for Compassionate Kenilworth - Kenilworth Together by donating via JustGiving:
If you are interested in making a donation directly or would like to talk about sponsoring a project or an element of the Compassionate Kenilworth charity, please email for more information.