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Events Directory - Get Social

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Art Appreciation (U3A)

Learn about art, speakers and visits to galleries

Baby and Toddler Group, Kenilworth Methodists

Baby and Toddler Group

Bad Vibrations Community Choir

A choir for people who aren’t confident enough to join a ‘proper’ choir.

Balsall Common Swimming Group (U3A)

U3A Swimming group

Befriending Service - Age UK

A free befriending service for over 70s to enhance quality of life by alleviating loneliness and isolation

Board Game Hub - the Kenilworth Centre

Games sessions aimed at families and children 10 and under, but everyone is welcome and adults do attend.

Bridge (U3A)

A friendly group who can all play bridge to an enjoyable level.

Bridge View Light Railway

Volunteer run, not for profit project building and operating a miniature railway in Baginton

CAMRA Heart of Warwickshire Group

Real ale group meeting in Warwick, Leamington and Southam

Circle Singers Leamington Spa

The Circle Singers are a friendly and exciting Leamington based adult choir.

Coffee Pot

A weekly warm, welcoming free coffee morning

Coventry Men’s Shed

Connection, conversation, creation.

Creative Stitchery (U3A)

Learning about techniques and completing projects

Dementia Day Opportunities - Age UK

Daytime activities and social opportunities for people with dementia

Forget-Me-Not Dementia Group

A dementia friendly drop in group.

Girlguiding Warwickshire

Activities for Young people


Activites for people with Additional Needs

Kenilworth Adult PHAB Club

Social Group bringing together disabled and non-disabled people on equal terms to make more of life together.

Kenilworth Book & Pudding Club

Monthly Book and Pudding Club in Time for Tea Café

Kenilworth Bridge Club

Learn and play bridge

Kenilworth Croquet Club

Kenilworth Croquet has a friendly atmosphere with excellent facilities and equipment.

Kenilworth Dancing Club

A mix of Ballroom and Sequence Dances with a little bit of Latin.

Kenilworth Footpath Preservation Group

A friendly and informal voluntary group, who work to clear and waymark a hundred plus rights of way in Kenilworth and the surrounding parishes in the Warwick District.

Kenilworth Monthly Bereavement Café

Compassionate Kenilworth with Surviving Bereavement.

Kenilworth Over 30s swimming club

Swimming club for fitness and fun.

Kenilworth Probus Club No 2

Men's Social group.

Kenilworth Rambling Club

Rambling / walking clubs

Kenilworth Stroke Group

Social Group for Stroke sufferers

Kenilworth Supper Club

Kenilworth Townswomen's Guild

The Townswomen's Guild members offer each other support and stability in an increasingly fragmented society, with each member benefiting from a strong national movement that has remained a cornerstone for thousands of women across the UK.

Kenilworth U3A

A wide variety of activities and excursions for people who are no longer in full time employment

Kenilworth Walkers

Weekly social walks for adults across Warwickshire

Kenilworth Women’s Institute

A group for women of all ages

Leamington & Whitnash Lillies

A 'next generation' younger WI group, focused on women aged in their 30s to 50s.

Leamington Literary Society

Monthly literary lectures for everyone interested in reading.

Leamington and Warwick Philatelic Society

For those who collect stamps or postal history or who are just interested.

Lego Club

After school Lego Club

Little Ray Of Sunshine Café

Dementia Café

Men Walking & Talking

Mid Warwickshire Badminton Coaching

Evening Badminton Coaching based in Warwick School venues

Midland Ancestors

Kenilworth -based genealogy group

Mini Mandarin Musicians and Players

Mandarin teaching for children through music and games

PHAB Kenilworth

Events for people with physical and mental disabilities

Painting4Pleasure Leamington Spa

Pitstop years 6-8 St John's Church

Pitstop years 6-8

Playbox Theatre

Young people theatre and media

Plum Jerkun Border Morris Dancing

Warwick Morris Dancing

Priory Theatre

Front and backstage activity

Priory Youth Theatre

Theatre skills for young people 10-17

Repair Café Kenilworth (ReCK)

Take your Repairs

Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Dance classes in leamington

Senior Citizens Social Club

Weekly social & games get together

Silver Lining Ladies Harmony Chorus

Ladies 4 part harmony chorus

Simply Social

A social group for the over 60s for single women and men. A lovely warm friendly, safe group that meets up weekly and also organises additional socials/events. This group has been going for over 25 years in Kenilworth. They hold a monthly quiz, have weekly meals out, plus other social activities and also go on holiday together. Dip in/out of any activities as you wish.

Sky Blues MenTalk

MENtalk is a weekly group session, organised by Sky Blues, designed to bring men together to improve their wellbeing.

Songlines Community Choir

Harmony Choir meeting in Warwick

Stay and Play

Play and social for pre-school children and parents

Strictly Jitterbug

Local dance group and dance courses.

Sunday Dinner Hub

Free Community Dinners at the Kenilworth Centre

Sunday Night Youth St John's Church

Youth Café

The Arts Society Royal Leamington Spa

Arts lectures at the Royal Spa Centre

The Ups of Downs

Leamington based groups for children with Downs Syndrome

Triple Link Dementia Café

Dementia Café

Tuesday Community Warm Hub

A warm welcoming space for free tea, coffee and cake. Board games, books, bring your hobbies, bring a friend or meet new friends.

Two Castles Male Voice Choir

Choir meeting in Warwick

U3A Balsall Common Painting Group

Painting group

U3A Book Club

Book Club

U3A Classical Music Group

Classical Music appreciation

U3A Enquiring Minds

Discussion group around various themes

U3A Fabulous Fashion

Sharing passion for clothes and fabrics

U3A Film Group

For film lovers

U3A Folk Dancing

Folk dancing group

U3A Food group

Talking about, tasting, cooking and eating group

U3A Genealogy Group

Starting and sharing information about family history research

U3A Going Places

Group for people to meet and go on holiday together

U3A History Group

History topic discussion

U3A Language learning and practice

French, Italian, Spanish, German

U3A Mahjong Group

Playing Mahjong -all abilities

U3A Needles and Pins

Patchwork, cross stitch, knitting and crochet

U3A Painting For Fun

Painting group

U3A Painting for Pleasure

Watercolour painting - mixed ability

U3A Patchwork for Beginners

Patchworking - all levels

U3A Photography group

Discussion group on aspects of photography, improving skills and showing photos

U3A Piano Group

Piano playing Grade 3 and above

U3A Play reading groups

Reading through Plays

U3A Poetry Group

Poetry Appreciation

U3A Recorder Group

Playing recorder, various abilities and styles

U3A Scrabble

Scrabble playing

U3A Social lunch Group

Small group meeting for pub lunch

U3A Walking Cricket

Walking cricket games

U3A Walking Football

Playing walking football matches

U3A Wine appreciation

Learning about all aspects of wine and tastings

Virgins and Castle

Kenilworth's Games & Quiz Nights

Warwick Horticultural and Allotment Society

A non profit making society aiming to encourage interest ​in and knowledge of horticulture.

Warwick Men’s Shed / Social Group

Informal drop-in group, Free bacon sandwiches, tea and coffee in a warm friendly space. Bring your hobbies or favourite board games - part of the Men’s Shed project.

Warwick Words History Festival

National and international history themed talks

Warwickshire Conservation Volunteers

Outdoor conservation activities

Warwickshire Geological Conservation group

Outdoor activities and field trips

Warwickshire Singers

Community Choir

Warwickshire Vision Kenilworth

Social Club

Wellbeing Walks

Ramblers Wellbeing Walks are free, short walks designed to help you take the first step towards better health, wellbeing and happiness.

Widowers Club

New group that has been formed recently that meets for regular lunches. Requires access to car and internet/wattsap - as the group makes arrangements for lunches in different places via these platforms.
Contact Tony via email for information:

Windy Arbour Badminton Club

Badminton based at St Nicholas Leisure Centre Warwick

tKC Youth Club

Kenilworth Centre Youth Club

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